we’re a couple of dreamers.

We used to dream big—really big. We were immersed in our careers in the demanding world of corporate finance and insurance where dreams are meant to be big: Big business. Big companies. Big responsibilities. But the place where we found real happiness was traveling, spending time with our children and families.

When Jess lost both of her parents, there was a heavy realization that tomorrow isn’t a guarantee and seemingly small moments are precious. The big dreams we were chasing no longer fit and didn’t allow time to enjoy the small things that made us happy.

That's when we decided to participate in life in a totally different way. So we set out to create a smaller dream—one that would allow us to prioritize happiness and focus on the things we love. Our small dream came to life as we built a brand doing something we enjoyed, with people we loved, in a setting that inspired us.

We now make beautiful jewelry that delights us as much as the people we make it for. When we let go of our big dreams for a small one, we started to enjoy our lives, together and truly happy.

With a team of 40+ amazing, talented people we work side-by-side, making jewelry, creating lives we love. What started out as just the two of us, working at our dining room table, now lives in a beautiful studio in our beloved downtown Eau Claire, WI.

We sometimes can’t believe the happiness our small dream is creating for us and so many others.

Thanks for visiting and helping us make our biggest small dream come true.

xo jess & adam

meet the team



Likes: Slow mornings, daydreaming about moving to the last place I traveled to, sunshine

Dislikes: People who watch videos in public without headphones, littering, too much ice in my iced latte

Hot Take: On time is on time.



Likes: Lake life, family vacations, riding sideways

Dislikes: End of summer, blaming others, mushrooms

Hot Take: Ego is good...if you're aware of it.


talent and culture director

Likes: Yoga, football, anything peppermint flavored

Dislikes: When people drive under the speed limit, being interrupted, Halloween

Hot Takes: Not everyone wants to pet your dog.


Fulfillment Lead

Likes: Titos at Country Fest, Philadelphia Eagles, Tacos with my dog Bubba

Dislikes: Humidity, broccoli, Dallas Cowboys

Hot Take: Beer is overrated.


fulfillment specialist

Likes: Chai tea, plants, thrifting and the gym

Dislikes: Coffee, thunderstorms and rose gold jewelry

Hot take: Tattoos don't have to have a meaning behind them.


fulfillment specialist

Likes: Fresca, dogs, the ocean

Dislikes: Winter, snow, being cold

Hot Take: Drake is overrated.


Supply Chain Department Lead

Likes: Being outside, cats, pizza and coffee

Dislikes: Sugar in coffee, ovens

Hot Take: Pizza is a breakfast food and should be cold!



Likes: Dogs, sunflowers, mac + cheese

Dislikes: Most seafood, loud chewers, long lines

Hot take: Country is the best music genre.


production lead

Likes: Carbs with every meal, glueing rhinestones onto anything, my kitten Rico

Dislikes: Early morning workouts, deciding where to eat, waiting

Hot Take: If you listen to a book on tape, you are allowed to say you read it.


production scheduler

Likes: Egg rolls, LEGOS, rainy days

Dislikes: Loud chewing, ketchup, scary movies

Hot Take: Summer is the worst.



Likes: Board games, black coffee, blueberry basil ice cream

Dislikes: Being bold and starting cold, ice water, stale chips

Hot Take: Wool socks are appropriate year round.


training lead

Likes: Vinyl records, themed parties, dancing at weddings, sunshine

Dislikes: Slow drivers, people chomping on ice, intolerant people

Hot Take: ... I can't admit my hot take.



Likes: Sunshine, dogs, mindfulness

Dislikes: Cold weather, styrofoam, rude people

Hot Take: Fireworks are awful. The entertainment they provide is not worth the fear they cause to wildlife, pets, and people.



Likes: Cats, purses and robes

Dislikes: Spiders, bad storms, gristle

Hot Take: People should embrace their grey hair because not everyone gets to earn that badge in life and it's gorgeous!



Likes: Animals, skiing, enamel, parkour

Dislikes: Close minded people, bad drivers, high humidity

Hot Take: Mountain views > ocean views


solder specialist

Like: Wild nature hikes with my doggos, matcha all day, thrifting, game night!

Dislikes: Burnt popcorn, being late, waste thru haste

Hot Take: We've all got natural beauty and I believe we all ought to embrace the heck outta it!


production assistant

Likes: Ice cream, being outside and my dogs!

Dislikes: Being cold and rude people

Hot Take: I love spoilers. Please tell me how the movie ends.


production assistant

Likes: Iced coffee, art history, naps

Dislikes: Hot weather, condescending people, LED headlights

Hot Take: I love being basic, things are popular for a reason. You're the one missing out.


production assistant

Likes: Plants, baking and pizza

Dislikes: Onions, driving in the winter, scary movies

Hot Take: It's only weird if you make it weird.


production assistant

Likes: Pottery, art history, cherry tomatoes

Dislikes: Shein at the thrift store

Hot Take: Mixed metal is for everyone


production assistant

Likes: Hiking, reading and my cat Frank

Dislikes: Humidity, doing laundry, getting less than 8 hours of sleep

Hot Take: Rainy days > sunny days


production assistant

Likes: Plants and pets

Dislikes: Olives

Hot take: Skinny jeans will never go out of style!


production assistant

Like: Fluffy cows, iced vanilla lattes, levi jeans and peony flowers.

Dislikes: Lady bugs, cherry tomatoes, sand between my toes and tangled jewelry.

Hot Take: Pizza is better cold!



Likes: Motorcycle cruises, being spontaneous, tattoos

Dislikes: Spiders, entitlement, bad drivers

Hot Take: I hate hot coffee--even in the dead of the winter.



Likes: Magnolia, card games, camping

Dislikes: Seafood, running, a messy house

Hot Take: I don’t love chocolate.


Customer Care Specialist

Likes: Baby giggles, dogs, and nature walks

Dislikes: Raisins, arrogance, and crows

Hot Take: I highly enjoy Nickelback.


customer care specialist

Likes: Ice cream, warm weather and weekends with her grandparents

Dislikes: Public speaking, sprinkles and coconut

Hot take: Breakfast for dinner is the best meal ever.


returns + repairs specialist

Likes: Being outdoors, dogs, Liverpool & the Bengals (sorry Trey)

Dislikes: Wisconsin winters, raw onions, excessive use of windshield wipers

Hot Take: Couch naps > bed naps


marketing director

Likes: Sunshine, dirty chais and loud music

Dislikes: Traffic, chipped nail polish and spam phone calls

Hot Take: Kenny Chesney makes great music.


marketing intern

Likes: Comfy clothes, ice cold lattes, and golden retrievers

Dislikes: Wet hair, burgers, walking across the UWEC bridge on a windy day

Hot take: Oatmilk > cow's milk


social media manager

Likes: Taylor guitars, rock climbing, lefse

Dislikes: Rude people, wet socks (don’t we all hate this?), when I see a cute dog and know that I can’t pet it because of “social rules”

Hot Take: You’re not truly enjoying a balcony unless you’re pretending to look over your land because you’re a princess warrior.


graphic designer

Likes: Hot weather, anything outdoors, hot weather

Dislikes: Guac, inconsiderate people, fidgeters, laziness

Hot take: Ranch dressing is disgusting.


photographer + content creator

Likes: Brown sugar lattes, Christmas, house projects/crafting

Dislikes: Spiders, rude people, being hungry

Hot Take: Mint and chocolate are not meant to be combined.


digital analyst/strategist

Likes: Records, the sun (any season), the water (not any season)

Dislikes: General disinterest, wind, Peeps (as in the allegedly edible things)

Hot Take: “The band sounded just like the album” is one of the worst things a person can say about a live performance.



Likes: Margaritas, soft blankets, Hallmark movies

Dislikes: Being cold, impatient people, doing laundry 

Hot Take: Pumpkin Spice Lattes are NOT all they’re cracked up to be.


retail coordinator

Likes: Gold jewelry, travel, comfy clothes

Dislikes: Being cold, scary movies, spiders

Hot Take: I don’t really have a hot take



Likes: Thrifting, fresh flowers, a cool breeze 

Dislikes: Being late, forgetting someone’s birthday, the inevitable passage of time 

Hot Take: Whatever is happening in outer space is none of our business


Retail Assistant Manager

Likes: 7 brew, golden retrievers, quality time with friends, family and my cat Tulip.

Dislikes: Spicy food, being cut off in traffic and trying to decide on an outfit every morning.

Hot Take: Toothpaste is spicy.


shop specialist

Likes: Coffee dates, warm weather, dots honey mustard pretzels

Dislikes: Flannel sheets, loud chewing, awkward conversations

Hot Take: Subtitles are life.


shop girl

Likes: Music, sun and water

Dislikes: Winter and snakes

Hot Take: You're never too old to dance on tables.


endless gal

Likes: Iced coffee and my two kitty cats

Dislikes: Pickles

Hot Take: Diet Pepsi > Diet Coke


shop girl

Likes: All things Anthropologie, concerts

Dislikes: Sitting still, loud chewing, staying up late

Hot Take: I would rather someone make a decision for me than make it on my own.


endless gal

Likes: Iced coffee, fried pickles, the ocean

Dislikes: Mushrooms, the cold, walmart

Hot Take: Everything is better dipped in ranch.


shop girl

Likes: Walks, dogs, iced coffee in the morning, lip gloss

Dislikes: Snakes, scary movies, messy spaces

Hot Take: The best season for fashion is fall.


endless gal

Like: Chai tea, shopping, wake surfing and anything that smells good.

Dislikes: Messy spaces, slow drivers, plane rides and fruit

Hot Take: Birthdays are overrated!


endless gal

Likes: Chipotle chicken quesadillas, high UV, the Mamma Mia soundtrack

Dislikes: Matcha, room temp water, people who ask too many questions

Hot take: Leftovers are better than the fresh meal.


shop girl

Likes: Volleyball, lazy sundays, traveling anywhere warm

Dislikes: Having to choose where to eat, driving in the winter... actually winter in general

Hot Take: Neutral everything is the way to live.


shop guy

Likes: Hockey, long hair, snowboarding

Dislikes: Coffee, long lines, hot weather


shop girl

Likes: Iced chai tea, dogs, music

Dislikes: Being cold, school, airplanes

Hot Take: Oatmeal raisin cookies are the best cookies!


shop girl

Like: Her birthday, bubbl'r drinks, Taylor Swift's new album

Dislikes: Vegetables, waking up early, school water

Hot Take: Taylor Swift isn't taking over the music industry, she is the music industry.