Hello Adorn x Social Goods

Hello Adorn has enthusiastically supported hundreds of organizations with in-kind donations, sales proceeds, and in-person volunteer events. Our local and online community shows us a level of support that is off the charts! We’re taking that big energy and dispersing it to as many  organizations as we can–starting with our local community. Here’s a breakdown of how we’re giving back in 2024. 

In-Kind: our jewelry + our dollars

Every quarter, we donate jewelry and straight cash money to support causes we stand behind. Your sales give us the flexibility to offer this to organizations, so give yourself a BIG ol’ pat on the back.

Organizations we’ve donated to recently that we’re amped about include: 

Boys and Girls Club, Good Soul 5K, Junior Achievement, Dreamers of WI, Child Support Agency

In-person: our hearts + hands

Our ever-growing team is something we’re super proud of, and with this growing team comes more capable and willing volunteers. Each month, team members donate their time in some capacity to a local Eau Claire org in need. 

Places around Eau Claire we’ve recently volunteered:

Community Table, St. Francis Food Pantry, Adopt-a-Highway, Beaver Creek 

In-ternet: You buy, we give

We’re focusing on three initiatives within our give-back collection: social justice, sustainability, and body positivity. When you purchase one of these items, we’re donating 100% of sales to that designated charity, and we’re sending you a well-deserved virtual high five!

In-shop: you buy (in-store), we give

Peruse our retail shop on the first Friday of each month and 10% of your purchase goes towards the organization we’re volunteering with that month. Doesn’t shopping feel so…good?

Let Us Help You

We are always looking for more groups to partner with and/or support! If Hello Adorn can somehow support your cause, or you’d like to get involved, fill out the form below.